This is a type of Agreement designed to perform a Nivaura Demo Phase II
uint256 deadline
contract IERC20Mintable WUSDC
mapping(address => address) compounds
constructor(address _parser, address _ownerAddr, address _dslContext) public
Sets parser address, creates new Context instance, and setups Context
function _setBaseRecords() internal
Uploads pre-defined records to Governance contract directly
function _setDefaultVariables() internal
function _setParameters(uint256 _recordId, string _record, string _condition) internal
Uploads pre-defined records to MultiTranche contract directly.
Uses a simple condition string bool true
Records still have to be parsed using a preprocessor before execution. Such record becomes
non-upgradable. Check isUpgradableRecord
Name | Type | Description |
_recordId | uint256 | is the record ID |
_record | string | is a string of the main record for execution |
_condition | string | is a string of the condition that will be checked before record execution |
function _setEnterRecord() internal
If DEPOSITS_DEADLINE hasn't passed, then to enter the MultiTranche contract: 1. Understand how much USDC a user wants to deposit 2. Transfer USDC from the user to the MultiTranche 3. Mint WUSDC to the user's wallet in exchange for his/her USDC
function _setDepositRecord() internal
If DEPOSITS_DEADLINE is passed to deposit USDC to MultiTranche: 1. Deposit all collected on MultiTranche USDC to Compound. As a result MultiTranche receives cUSDC tokens from Compound 2. Remember the deposit time in DEPOSIT_TIME variable
function _setWithdrawRecord() internal
If USDC lock time is passed: 1. Understand how much WUSDC a user wants to withdraw 2. Withdraw requested amount of USDC from Compound 3. Burn user's WUSDC 4. Send USDC to the user